7 Inch Record Mailer

Views: 946
Our Price


Wholesale Price Price
10-99 Items CAD$1.29
100+ Items CAD$0.95
Weight 0.22 lbs
Note: you must order at least 10 items


Cardboard mailer for your 7 inch records

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3 Most Useful Customer Reviews

Jenna Priestner Jenna Verified Purchase

I was looking to purchase from somewhere other than ULINE cause our values don't line up so I went with duplication.ca only to have the mailers arrive and they we're ULINE mailer haha. So unfortunately I probably just paid more than if I would have kept with ULINE but there are very few places to find mailers and I'm happy to support a Canadian company.
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Jennifer Smith Jennifer Verified Purchase

These are great maulers for 45” records. You just need to make sure that you bend at the perforations properly. Excellent protection though!
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Philip Gough Philip Verified Purchase

Great mailers, U-line without the higher price.
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