Clear Translucent CD Poly box, 5.4 inch, no sleeve, 10mm PP10NS

Category: Poly cases
Views: 331
Manufacturer A+ Duplication Supplies
Our Price


Wholesale Price Price
1+ Item CAD$0.60
Weight 0.13 lbs
Carton qty: 200


This is a clear, unbreakable CD/DVD poly box. It is about the same thickness as a jewel box with a 10.5mm spine. It has clips inside the front cover for inserting a CD cover. As a bonus the center disc post can hold 2 stacked CDs. This item is the same as CD-PP10NS-SC but milky-clear instead of super-clear. Measurements (W x H x D): - 5.44" x 4.9" x 0.4" - 137mm x 124mm x 10.5mm

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