When it comes to summer activities like barbecuing in the backyard, floating in the pool, or chilling in the park, you’ve gotta have your jams by your side. At Duplication.ca we’ll make your cassettes look as hot as they sound! Here are some awesome cassette shell colour suggestions for you to
duplicate the hottest summer album or mixtape!

Blue Tinted w/ Square Hubs
Normal-bias • Tabs out • Red leaders • Soft window
Calm like a blue ocean, this is a great shell for you to slow down R&B cuts and create a killer vapor beat. Just don’t bring your tape deck too close to the tide.

Platinum Silver
Normal-bias • Tabs in • Clear leaders
The type of cassette for when you’re decked out and ready to party all night. It’s the visual equivalent of Diamond in the Back by Curtis Mayfield. Your cassette deck will never look classier!

Feel Good Yellow
Normal-bias • Tabs out • Red leaders
Really, this tape is what summer is all about: kicking it with friends, good vibes, and forgetting that you have work tomorrow until it’s too late. Pop it into your 4-track and record an improvised jangle pop demo with your buds.

Scorching Red Tinted
Normal-bias • Tabs out • White frosted leaders
If you really want to turn up the heat, try out these red tinted tapes. When placed against a light source they look like smouldering molten lava. Pairs well with 100mph convertible synthwave tracks and Chromatics-style disco guitar.

Glitter Tapes
Normal-bias • Tabs out • Leader colours vary
Whether it’s Fourth of July, Canada Day, or any opportunity where you can shoot off fireworks and keep your neighbours up all night, let it be soundtracked by our glitter shells. We have a wide variety of glitter colours— red, blue, white, green, silver, gold, and some of them all mixed together!

Feeling inspired? Take a look around our cassette duplication page for more packaging options and shell colours! We duplicate our cassettes with a frequency range of 20Hz to 20kHz, meaning no bass slap or squealing synth will be spared.
Click here for an instant quote!
If you’re looking for blank tapes for home duplication or to put together the best BBQ mixtape anyone has ever heard, then head over to our online shop. We load blank cassettes to your exact desired audio length and with your choice of colour.
Visit our Blank Cassettes page today